recycle that mean you're poor

Some of my friend said that poor people only recycle water bottles and lots of other stuff,too. And people who is "normal" or rich don't recycle. They didn't tell me the reason but I think that the "normal" and rich people don't want to recycle is because they don't want to ruined their reputation and they don't want to make people think that they are poor?

You have some strange friends. Poor people don't buy water in bottles; they get it from the tap. And even people who are well-off recycle,

Rich people buy good quality stuff and they pass it down so it gets used for generations. In England it is an insult to say someone buys their own silver; normal people inherit their silver. 

Poor people buy cheap crap because they know it's going to get broken. Then they break it, because it's only crap. Then they buy more crap because they have to have it. 

Rich people are as famous for their petty frugalities as poor people are for their petty extravagances.


Shaving armpit hair was normal in the 80s when I was a teen and all the other stuff wasn't and I think it's been bashed into people's heads by the waxing industry now and I think it's terrible women are put under that pressure to do painful treatments to get rid of something normal. You don't want to SHAVE those areas (other than armpits) because it will grow back thicker. 

I use a trimmer on things because a trimmer isn't painful I refuse to do anything painful. I've always shaved my armpits though and that also doesn't hurt. I shave hair from the knee down only on my legs. I find it hard to shave my legs because the hair is blond and I miss bits

Armpits yes, because it's a cleanliness thing. If there's no hair and deodorant it doesn't ever smell bad, it will always be fresh and clean even if your sweating. 

Genital hair, it depends, I don't think you have to have it extremely close shaven because that just leaves a terrible rash....and if it doesn' will eventually...and it sucks. Personally I think it's better just to keep it trim and neat and shave it completely maybe once every 2-3 weeks for cleaniless. Too often just causes problems, but you should at least keep it trim, because if you don't that's not good either lol. 

As for butt, no. I can't get into my butt, why would anyone shave their butt hair unless they are going to pose for a butt sex porn magazine or something...either that or their significant other is really controlling over their butt...ew. I really don't want shaver burn in my butt. 

Whatever makes you feel comfortable, I rarely shave my legs and armpits, I just don't like to bother that much. I never let it grow too long though (armpit hair I mean), I shave it maybe once a week or 2 weeks. I DO like the feeling of shaved legs, but I think it's too much work. However, if I decide on wearing shorts, in that case, I do shave my legs. 

As to genital hair, I mean I don't, I sometimes trim it with scissors, but I'm on the line of comfort. Do what you feel like doing, don't let others oppress you. If your partner is insisting on it, you might have to rethink if you want to be with that person. Find a man who will accept you as you are :)

Well I shave my armpit hair because I have reeaallly dark hair, it feels nicer for me, I don't wear tank tops but I do a lot of sport so I don't exactly want the other girls to see big tufts of dark hair sticking out from my arms when I'm getting changed 😂 but that's my personal choice, if the girl chooses to keep her armpit hair, as long as she keeps it clean and doesn't let it get all wet and sweaty I really don't see a problem. As for the others, there's no point for me to do it yet because I'm not ready to date, but maybe in the future, if my bf would prefer it. But women shouldn't have to do anything- sometimes it feels like that since what most men ever see is women with smooth, glossy skin everywhere they think women naturally come like that, it's a lot of time and effort to shave and if you have a skin condition like me it's quite painful

Its really a woman's personal choice. Me personally, I shave my armpits so I don't develop body odor and its not showing through my shirt & all that. For my legs, I'll shave them in the Spring & Summer, but I am not going through that in the Fall or Winter because there is no point, its going to be cold outside so I would be in long jeans. For my genitals, I'll trim it down but there is no reason for me to shave it completely off yet because I am single lol. & As for the butt, wow it must be really hard to shave in there. I don't think I plan on shaving there anytime soon but I don't see it being a problem either, not much in there to shave lol.

Shaving pubic hair can readily lead to rashes, cuts, and irritated skin prone to infections. It can be trimmed close with small, round-tipped scissors – that should be enough. 

Maybe it's perverted for guys to want their partners to look like little ten-year-old girls. 

Messing with butt hair can lead to real discomfort. If she doesn't do anal in any way, it shouldn't even be an issue. 

Armpit hair should be kept shaved. Don't skip more than one day. Today's sleeveless clothes require clean-looking armpits, not tufts of hair sticking out

I would say that you'll get different opinions on this. I would also say it depends on variables that are important to you. Whichever makes you feel better. Also, remember that when women shave, some look underage. Some men like hair, others do not. You may or may not wish to come to an agreement with your man, but in any case, it is your body. And, each woman is different. What makes one feel better, may be what another requires to be the opposite, or at least a variation. Good luck on your choice, and I hope this helps.

Three things: 1) You women don t seem to know what feminism even is. So for all of you claiming that you re not feminists, have you not voted? Do you all not have jobs? Would you not like pay equal to men? If you re married, then are you not glad that your husbands don t have ownership over you? THIS, ladies is what feminism has done for you. So to proclaim that you all are not feminists like it s the worst identifier in the world is possibly the stupidest thing that I have ever heard. It would be like a cow protesting vegetarianism (despite the fact that humans not eating meat would BENEFIT THEM). 

2) I m a FEMINIST and I shave my entire body, wear makeup, short skirts, low-cut shirts, and the highest heels possible. You know why? Because I love the way I look and the way my body feels when I do these things. But even more, I shave all of these things because it is MY CHOICE to do these things. Just like ladies who decide not to do these things are making a CHOICE not to. Feminism is about a woman s choice to live however the hell she wants. So, to answer your question, it is not whether women SHOULD or SHOULD NOT shave these areas. If you WANT TO, go for it. If not, then MAKE YOUR OWN DECISION NOT TO.

life from another planet will visit earth

We've never been the only beings to call this Planet "home". 

Consider, that the bottom of the Pacific Ocean basin is about 6-7 Miles deep. 
Beneath the ocean floor is more than 1500 miles of very solid, and extremely protective, Earth's mantle. 

There is nothing that says that Aliens have not explored the depths of every inch of this Planet 
for tens-of-thousands of years before Man ever appeared. They can be anywhere, in or out of plain sight. 

Many morons will say that the Aliens' home planet is too far away, and that they can't be here yet. 

These are the words of cowards 
who will not be able to face a vastly superior race if-and-when they make themselves known. 

Aliens are here, and they've been here ... 
and when they choose to make that known, they will defend themselves against the idiots 
who will want to "shoot first”, call out for their 'christ', and then wonder how in the name of God, *they* got here. 

"One day, life from another planet" ... has already happened.

Life from other planets or distant objects has already visited, in the form of meterotite impacts in the early life of our planet. It has been suggested thet despite the intense heat generated on re entry, any life at the core of a frozen meterorite may have survived. It reaaly depends on your definition of the word 'Life'

I don't and hope not. I like the idea but we don't know how they get around. What if the land they get all jet legged and get all heavy since their mass was in space a long time. If gravity works with us it has to work with them. That they don't know how to get back to they're planet cause they're lost. It will be something if they have a different language. They won't know what were saying and need an ambassador or something not just us not knowing they're language not like there be one.

Not possible. Hope we don't waste resources on those fantasies 
The world should use those resources to help and empower the poor. 
Most of the areas where the poor people are living has enormous 
natural resources. We have a great responsibility as well as opportunities here 
than the outer space.

17 year old gorilla shot

Ha ha ha VERY FUNNY.. If you read the story you will note that the Gorilla has a history of bad temper compare to the other Gorillas. 
He was shot because tranquilizing him would make him more dangerous to the little boy. 
But I agreed that they should of use other tactics to remove the Gorilla such as the most powerful fire water hose to get him to move away so a employee can rush in and grab the boy, but since we do not know anything about the Gorilla we have no rights to a blame game here, I do hope a social worker will interfere in the family lives and find out what was the REAL reason they weren't watching him. 
So what was done is done.. 
Now speaking about the Lion that was shot and killed last year is a difference story. 
It's people like you who like to stir things up that is a problem. 
And it has nothing to do with the color of the fur or the age of the Gorilla

The amazing, beautiful being was killed because an incompetent, negligent parent allowed her four year old child to roam around unattended. This parent's action directly placed her child in grave danger and caused the death of this magnificent animal. I think she should be charged with everything possible, fined, and jailed. The gorilla did nothing wrong, the zoo did nothing wrong, as they took every reasonable precaution to keep people safe. The only one in the wrong was the parent. 

I read what she said. She showed no remorse and took no responsibility for this horrible incident.

The gorilla was shot out of Political Correctness. I do hope that the incredibly subnormal black parents who let their hoodlum four-year-old boy climb into the gorilla enclosure--the Mama typically a grinning, empty-headed, Jesus-loving, lard-azzed over-spawner, and the Papa typically a violent felon with an extensive criminal history including BURGLARIES and KIDNAPPING--will be charged with child endangerment AND be forced to pay for replacing the extremely rare and valuable Silverback Gorilla. But I'm not betting on it.

Just wondering how out of control a 4 yr old can be to disobey a parent, climb over a large fence and jump into a deep enclosure at the zoo. 
I wonder about the type of behavior this kid will continue to exhibit over the next 10 yrs. 
I wonder if this is rather ordinary behavior with kids now - meaning to refuse to listen to their mothers or other authorities, have disregard for boundaries. 
I wonder if this kid who appears to be white in the vid is another example of entitlement. They immediately decided to kill the wild dangerous unpredictable gorilla. 
I wonder if the kid were black. Would they have waited a bit longer with this "valuable" exotic animal. And then kill it. 
I wonder why that out of control kid did not have a harness on him. I have seen other hard to manage kids on harnesses. If my kid had behavior issues, I would not take him to the zoo or other places until his behavior improved. 
I wonder why zoo enclosures do not have better protect for the animals from annoying children and their annoying parents. Too many of these animals are out of control in public and I do not mean the beasts. 

I wonder why people disregard the signs that might say "Do not disturb the animals" "Do not feed the animals" "Do not climb" "Danger - stay behind fence". And then they will either sue the zoo or do some think stupid after reading the sign & laughing. .

I have no idea what the reasons were. 

Personally I think that the whole concept of a Zoo in the 21st century is an anachronism. 
In these days when we can watch scores of wildlife shows, or visit a country such as Africa 
where these beautiful creatures come from, I feel it is cruel to incarcerate wild creatures in a Zoo. 

I appreciate that Zoologists excuse themselves by claiming that they are conserving various 
animals by creating breeding projects, but the final result is often unhappy animals pacing to 
and fro in a cage or enclosure, simply for a few humans to gape at, whilst the Zoologists pat 
themselves on the back, look for kudos and tell the world how brilliant they have been when 
in reality they are simply wardens of animal prisons. 

Yes it is sad for the traumatised child and his parents, but the whole thing could have been avoided 
by common sense and the closing down of these animal prisons.

No. It was shot because the parents didn't have control over their 4 yr old child and it is ALWAYS the animal that has to die because of human stupidity I hope the mother is arrested and tried for her lack of ability to control her son's behaviour. It is a disgrace. It is a lesson that has to be learned for younger parents. Older people have brought up their kids to respect animals and drummed into them that they are wild animals, not cuddly pets! It makes my blood boil that a poor animal has had to be killed because they couldn't control their offspring.