If its worldwide recession how come Japan's unemployment is 5% and Australia unemployment 4%?

but US unemployment 17% (taking into account those who are unemployed but given up hunting because they are discouraged)?

 Australia spent their stimulus package on infrastructure .... a 'ginormous' rebuilding of schools all over the country which kept people in employment everywhere ... the elderly and families were given money to spend ... and this kept the money in circulation stimulating small business and giving the consumers confidence not to sit on their funds ... and there has been a great flow on effect ... therefore no recession ... therefore no great job cuts ... and the beauty of this spending is that there is something good to show for it ... the money hasn't all disappeared into the ether ...

Australia has a pop. of 20 million and as far as I can see has a sound economy yes yes to that one. Japan's economy however is probably the most unstable in the whole world - yes even more unstable than Greece. Greece has the backing of the whole European Union. Japan had a "lost decade" in the 90s due to deflation and before the recession it was ok now it is ready to implode again. I would rather America's economy over Japans anyday even with the high unemployment. also Japan does not have any welfare so if you are unemployed you are f'u'c'k'e'd

Plus Canada was not even affected by the recession but they still have around 8% unemployment. As told by their government.

Its very complicated

Australia has mineral wealth which we sell to China -
along with
the other things we used to sell for a lot money that gave rise to employment
wool- gone
wheat - gone
beef -gone
coal - labor and the greens will make that a thing of the past

Japan does a lot of ''feather bedding'' They keep on employees even if they ae not needed
Australia supplies China with material so their mines would keep on working