I'm black myself and I understand negative comments from other blacks but we can't ignore the truth.
When Ethiopians came to Israel, the crime rate went up. Crime for aboriginals is higher. black in Figi Crime has sky rocketed.
One part of my family is black while the other is Cuban. my black part has a lot of cousins in prison
My teacher said its because most blacks grew up poor but the Cuban side of my family is poor as well but they don't have much trouble with the law
Let's see, have an area with concentrated poverty and deprived of resources like an inner city ghetto? Check.
Have a lucrative market such as the drug trade in cocaine where some residents compete over turf while addicts commit robberies so they can get money to buy the drugs? Check
Have a gun trade where guns are easy to come by and are used for said robberies and turf disputes? Check
Have systemic housing segregation that lead to that inner city ghetto having a black majority? Check.
Guess what that leads to? A higher crime rate.
It's socioeconomic and environment. Not inherent or cultural problems with black people.
I think you will find any neighborhood in any city in the US(maybe the world) where it was at one time predominately another group of people, that invasion by blacks increased crime rates, the reasons can very diverse but facts are facts
my pastor lived in New Jersey next to Philly and at one time his neighborhood had few blacks, but as they blacks moved in and the others moved out it became dangerous to live in that neighborhood he grew up in
even tho his best friends were black, the influx was the more criminal aspect of the blacks who wanted power and control the neighborhood
he will tell us the story of his friends and him returning from a concert and accidentally got off the wrong sub station and ended up in a black controlled neighborhood, was approached by three 'thugs' who when they finally looked at who he was realized he was their friend they had grown up with, needless to say they didn't change their ways and they ended up in jail, some for a lifetime
Without wishing to sound like I'm making excuses, a very high percentage of the causes of crime among black youth, is plain to see, poverty. The people of Ethiopia are no more likely to commit a crime than anyone else.
I'll put it to you like this. When a black person comes to a new city a place of wealth, they are bound to feel left out.
I hope this does not sound like a limp excuse.
Part of the problem too among black youth (male in particular) is lack of education. Not because they are stupid, but because they often have a cultural aversion to it and see it as unnecessary when the reality is quite the reverse. How did President Obama make it to the top job? It all starts with education and then more education.
Now I'd like you to hear one of my favorite singers of all time.
Isn't it simply that different different groups of people come from different backgrounds and each cultural group has their own traditions of beliefs and behaviors. It is this inevitable difference that causes the conflict. Some groups have a happier disposition than others which leads to conflict at times simply because one group does not understand ( or is unwilling to understand ) the other.
It is inevitable that this occurs, sometimes even in the same family temperaments can vary. What on earth do you expect. ?
Well MY teacher said that the black man shouldn't go to the white man to point out the imperfections of his brother and sister.
If the crime rate is high it's because the white man keeps sending guns and drugs into their communities. The black man doesn't own any gun factories. He doesn't manufacture any guns.
When Ethiopians came to Israel, the crime rate went up. Crime for aboriginals is higher. black in Figi Crime has sky rocketed.
One part of my family is black while the other is Cuban. my black part has a lot of cousins in prison
My teacher said its because most blacks grew up poor but the Cuban side of my family is poor as well but they don't have much trouble with the law
Let's see, have an area with concentrated poverty and deprived of resources like an inner city ghetto? Check.
Have a lucrative market such as the drug trade in cocaine where some residents compete over turf while addicts commit robberies so they can get money to buy the drugs? Check
Have a gun trade where guns are easy to come by and are used for said robberies and turf disputes? Check
Have systemic housing segregation that lead to that inner city ghetto having a black majority? Check.
Guess what that leads to? A higher crime rate.
It's socioeconomic and environment. Not inherent or cultural problems with black people.
I think you will find any neighborhood in any city in the US(maybe the world) where it was at one time predominately another group of people, that invasion by blacks increased crime rates, the reasons can very diverse but facts are facts
my pastor lived in New Jersey next to Philly and at one time his neighborhood had few blacks, but as they blacks moved in and the others moved out it became dangerous to live in that neighborhood he grew up in
even tho his best friends were black, the influx was the more criminal aspect of the blacks who wanted power and control the neighborhood
he will tell us the story of his friends and him returning from a concert and accidentally got off the wrong sub station and ended up in a black controlled neighborhood, was approached by three 'thugs' who when they finally looked at who he was realized he was their friend they had grown up with, needless to say they didn't change their ways and they ended up in jail, some for a lifetime
Without wishing to sound like I'm making excuses, a very high percentage of the causes of crime among black youth, is plain to see, poverty. The people of Ethiopia are no more likely to commit a crime than anyone else.
I'll put it to you like this. When a black person comes to a new city a place of wealth, they are bound to feel left out.
I hope this does not sound like a limp excuse.
Part of the problem too among black youth (male in particular) is lack of education. Not because they are stupid, but because they often have a cultural aversion to it and see it as unnecessary when the reality is quite the reverse. How did President Obama make it to the top job? It all starts with education and then more education.
Now I'd like you to hear one of my favorite singers of all time.
Isn't it simply that different different groups of people come from different backgrounds and each cultural group has their own traditions of beliefs and behaviors. It is this inevitable difference that causes the conflict. Some groups have a happier disposition than others which leads to conflict at times simply because one group does not understand ( or is unwilling to understand ) the other.
It is inevitable that this occurs, sometimes even in the same family temperaments can vary. What on earth do you expect. ?
Well MY teacher said that the black man shouldn't go to the white man to point out the imperfections of his brother and sister.
If the crime rate is high it's because the white man keeps sending guns and drugs into their communities. The black man doesn't own any gun factories. He doesn't manufacture any guns.