Can you get pregnant from a Jacuzzi?

I was in a Jacuzzi with 5 guys and 3 girls about three weeks ago and I am worried one of us is pregnant. We just don't know if it is possible for someone to get pregnant from a Jacuzzi. We weren't having sex just sitting with then talking. Is it possible?

If you could get pregnant from bring in a Jacuzzi or pool of whatever body of water from just sitting with guys in there, we'd be hearing many stories of it already

It's impossible, lol. 
Sperm will die easily after get in touch with air for more than 1 minutes. And if it get in touch with hot water, it would instantly die. 
If you could get pregnant from a jacuzzi, then how many people will get pregnant from swimming pool?
If you weren't having sex with the guys while you were in the Jacuzzi and all you were doing was sitting there talking with them, how in the name of God do you think you could get pregnant? Do you think men will ejaculate when all they are doing is talking to a female?
LMAO. Damn a jacuzzi and human crossbreed? Damn. What kind of creature would that be? lol that was funny though. I have never heard someone ask a question like this before.