Job in London , for teenager

I'm 17 years old and im searching for a job in London , any advices or vacancies ? I'm ready to work any where for good cash . :)

Tell me what job you want to do and I'd pick up a yellow pages and tell you to call every single company in that category. Ring up and explain you're interested working for that business and simply ask who makes the decisions about who is taken on. Get gmail or something like that and start adding the decision makers to your contacts, build it up.

You will stand our heads and shoulders above other people your age. You will probably be bad at this at first but it's a very smart trick to learn.

Pick what you really want to do. Keep calling. Even if you don't get the business straight away you'll learn. Get on LinkedIn, learn to use it. Get into groups that are specific to your industry and participate (lightly and take an interest if you're not v knowledgeable).

The best advice I can give you is to not start doing 'any' job just for now to make money. Focus on what you want to do and JUST do that. It's hard to change course once you've invested time into a job. Make it easy on yourself, be single minded. Choose what you want to do and do any job that gets you familiar with that industries language and learn it well.
Source(s):P.s. it should never be about the cash, always about being part of something you are proud of/enjoy. If you chase cash you'll be miserable.