High-paying jobs in London

Hi, I am currently a freshman at an Ivy league University (Brown,) and am an International Relations concentrator. Prior to matriculating at Brown, I spent the year abroad in London and absolutely fell in love with the city, as well as the way of life of the Londoners. I ultimately would love to do some form of business, and was wondering if it would be possible to get a high-paying job, in London, as a foreigner. Any opinions or advice are welcomed and greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I am origionally from Manchester... North of England.. My advise would be to steer away from London. It is expensive dirty and the taxes in England are becoming more and more expensive. 
London is one of the most unfriendly citys i have ever been to. This coupled with the constant harrassment beggars and thieves when you use the Underground is awful. 
If I was to move back to England I would look more closely at York or Chester or even Bath. These are beautiful cities but are not without problems. 
One of the scary things about England is the Yob culture.... gangs of kids from ages 8 to 17 basically running housing estates and yes actually killing people. 
The London way of life do you mean the way of life of those who work in high finance?? because thats not the london lifestyle way of life... ( i have friends in high finance in London) They say the pressure is such that drug taking and drinking is out of control. But anyway.... 
I am not a bias Northerner I am a realist ... And to be honest The USA wil offer you more opportunities and a far better lifestyle. 
If you mist move to England Look at York, look at Chester. Chester is near to where the most affluent people in the UK live. Just up the road is the Highest concentration of millionaires in the whole of the UK. Thats the cheshire area. 
I wish you luck with your future..

SO, the only thing to offer you is a general pep talk. And that is what you are getting from me! First, you have no idea how much fun you will have. Just being on another continent will inspire you to look at life in a more global way ... and expand your viewpoint beyond your own egocentric past. And you are sooooo lucky the U.K. is where you'll end up, as there is a wealth of knowledge and wisdom .... in a language you can understand. SO - let's address your "doubts." You may or may not get comfort from the fact that probably 95% of people in your position offer up your points #1 and #2 as a reason to not grab an opportunity. Probably 70% find a way around these "doubts" and go ahead with successful career transitions. Here is the rationale you should memorize and use to inform your family and loved ones of your decision to expand your horizons ... #1: "This is a positive career move, both financially and socially." If I don't take it I will languish in a career hole, and maybe be judged by the fact that I didn't take this opportunity. #2: " If I don't do this I will not only feel badly, I will never reach my stride in this business because I rejected the international challenges. And future bosses who might give credit for this experience, would recognize others who have this experience on their resume ... and I will never know why I lost out on the recognition/job/promotion And --- one more time --- YOU will have a great time and if you don't do it you will regret it forever ... for some very silly reasons