Daughter refusing to go on school trip

My daughter (15) is refusing to go on a 9 day school trip to France, the trips less than a month away what do I do?

If you think she'll enjoy it, sit her down and talk to her. Tell her that she has to go and that you know it's hard but it's an amazing experience. I was sent to Germany BY MYSELF. I can assure you I did NOT want to be away from my mom. I cried the first two nights, but my mom did it because she knew I would have an amazing experience. On the last day, I cried because I didn't want to go home, lol! What I'm saying is, she should go. France is incredible. It may be hard but it's an experience she'll remember forever. 
I would talk to her, ask her why she doesn't want to go, what her thoughts are, why she's scared, etc. then, show her pictures of France and places and get her really hyped. 
Good luck!

My brother did the same thing last year, he was offered to go to France,Astoria and many other places. He declined it's not that they dont know how good the opportunity would be but they simply arent comfortable going. I guess you could force her but thats not a good idea. Why send her when shes just gonna want to leave?

If your daughter doesn't want to go, then, in my opinion, she doesn't have to go. You can't force her to go because you think it's a good opportunity. Plus she probably doesn't want to stay away from her mother and/or father for a long period of time.

find out why she doesn't want to go,and if she doesn't want to go, she doesn't have to go. No one should force her to go. If she wants to go,let her go. It's her choice.