spain the only Muslim country

Would Europe be completely Muslim if the Spaniards hadn't kicked the Moors out of Spain

Wasn't. We could include Bulgaria as part Europe 
after Russia invaded to evict the Ottoman Empire. 
There are other examples but like Spain the Moors 
were only one example of Islam in Europe. Spain 
also was contested by man before present Theism 
existed and the Neanderthal by DNA Analysis is 
being found within some of the winners of that 
European conquest.

Besides Iberian peninsula where modern Spain and Portugal was under Muslim rule, there were dozen other states that were for centuries under Islam control. Sicily was under Arab control and in the southern Italy, there was an Emirate of Bari. Balkan countries are the only one that have officially Islamic faith like Bosnia, Kosovo, and Albania. Balkan was until 19th century under Ottoman Rule, where Muslim faith dominated and in the 17th century, it also controlled much of Hungary and Romania, and attempted to establish pashalik as far north as present Slovakia. Farther in the eastern Europe, Tatars accepted Muslim faith and there is a huge Muslim community in southern Russia, Crimea, and Caucasus. Moscow alone has the largest Muslim community outside Istanbul in Europe with 2 million followers of Islam. 
It was Frankish military leader, Charles Martel, who stopped Islamic invasion of Western Europe. Spaniards have nothing to with it. When Spain was consolidated as a Christian outpost within larger Frankish empire, Moors were only an internal problem for Spain. Also it was a Polish king Sobieski, who stopped Ottomans at the gates of Vienna and saved both Western and Eastern Europe from Islamization.

Spain was invaded by the moors in 711. The reconquest by isable and ferdinand saw granada beaten in 1472. In that period the Catholic Christians were able to turn mooring forces back from the pyrenees and push them back to the med. Spain was seen as part of the caliphate and the invasion leaves it'smark on the fabric of the country today. 
If the moors had not been turned back in France their movement North would have fizzled out. Large forces of Northern Europeans would not have allowed them to take over.

Europe would be completely Muslim if the Catholic Church had not provided the troops who stopped the Mohammedan hoards from overrunning Europe. If not for their bravery, not only would Europe be under Islamic rule today, but so would areas subsequently settled by Islamic Europeans, like North and South America, Australia, and large parts of Asia and Africa. If you value your religious freedom - and that includes the freedom to be an atheist - thank the Crusaders!

Today, the Muslim-majority regions of Europe are Albania, Kosovo, parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Montenegro, as well as some Russian regions in Northern Caucasus and the Volga region. 

60–80% Albania 
90–95% Kosovo 
95–100% Turkey and Azerbaijan

In the West yes;however, do not forget what our Muslim friends did to us in the East as well: the sufferings of Greece and Roumania--Wallachia and Moldavia and Transylvania--under the Muslim yoke. Temporarily Hungary and, of course, the incursions into Austria. Then too, you had the original Russia known as "Kieffan Russ" where the Muslim horde pressed Christian princes like grapes in a giant wine press.

USA's agenda is to create more unstable areas in Europe. So they are creators of so-called State of Kosovo, which was just a part of territory of Serbia. They protect Muslim parts of Bosnia and maltreat the Serb's one. They strongly support Albanian Muslim minority in Macedonia and subbmiss Macedonians, who are Slavs by Orthodox Christian religion.

Haven't you heard : Everything is a circle . 
GOD himself said that he preferred those things of ancient times yet he created our planet with the idea to start a circle & end the circle ; but a new circle is always waiting to start anew . 
I quote : What was is & what is has already been done. 
Those who remember ,prevail ,those who forget perish in their slumber.