loneliness the hardest thing in the world

i live alone in a gloomy council flat....ive lived alone for 12 years now, i am in my late 30s, suffer borderline personality and i have no social support network except for my dear mum.....but my mum lives miles away from me. 

my life is a very lonely empty one....night times are the worst, when i'm alone with my thoughts. 

the loneliness is so overwhelming, that it is unbearable. 

most other men my age are now married with kids, have lived a little etc.....but i missed out on all of that.......all that never happened for me.

Lonliness is horribly hard. I was able to relate to you except my Mom died. It may sound too simple, but get a pet. If you see a therapist you can get a certificate (Quite easily in the U.S.) for a therapy pet. Landlords MUST accept them. If not possible for you, get a little guy. A guinea pig or a hamster or you can get a rat (Yes, a pet rat.). I have one and she's all the company I need and better than some of the humans I know. Another interesting option would be to search the web for a pen pal. Someone to write real letters to with whom you an share your feelings. I feel sorry you are hurting.

Not easy, and many people suffer from it. Two tried and tested methods have worked for some. 1) Some social media engagement with Twitter or others, by picking an area of common interest; 2) You may have something local where there are groups that can interact. 
BONUS: You have already taken steps by posting something very personal on Yahoo Answers. Yahoo Answers is considered an "old school" social media by some. Congratulate yourself on that, and see if you can build on what you have already done for yourself.

It's very difficult to be alone as we are social beings. If you are being treated properly for borderline personality disorder and you feel strong enough to do so, please volunteer somewhere. A pet shelter, church, school, local hospital. You need not put more than 3 hours per week when you start, but it will be a start and you will meet good people, and feel productive because you're helping others. And in time those interactions will lead to friendships and you never know... friendship might lead to love. But even if it doesn't, you're not alone anymore.