Do you own saggy boobs

 Somewhat yes. But I still shall wear fancy and silky bras

As a 6'3 man I have managed to obtain quite and impressive pair of saggy boobs due to horrendously lazy lifestyle choices but have now started training hard in the gym, controlling my diet as well as sleeping lots and i must say they are looking perkier.

I was always a bit conscious of having huge saggy man boobs and was always the butt of the jokes which learned to accept but all those years on I'm training hard and see them getting perkier. It feels good knowing that i'm putting in the effort and getting results and once you get in to the swing of a good exercise and diet regime you will soon become one of those people who says "nothing tastes as good as feeling fit feels"

Give it a try and good luck.

Welcome to woman-hood. At some point every woman with a set of boobs will notice some sagging. A support bra helps under clothing, but when top naked, just accept its part of life, or opt to go under the knife.

Yes...I hate it...I wonder if they can be fixed....they are making my confidence so low!!!