Swimming on period?

So I just started my period today. The 5th time. 
The problem is that in going swimming tomorrow in a lake. I will be swimming for 2 hours. Is it okay to swim on my period? It's medium. 
If I do go I'll be wearing my pants with a pad in. I can't use tampons because of a medical issue. So don't suggest that. Then I'll be wearing some shorts. Then my swimming costume. Then my wetsuit, will pieces of pad float around? 

Lol once I went to a water park my period was gone for good ^o^ Good thing that I got to enjoy. Btw wear a tampon or don't go in. You probably don't want it to get the water dirty and get embarrassed.

Your period will come out no matter what. But the main this is, if anybody's going to see. Sometimes you get clots in your period, and they don't really dissolve. They just stay like a clump of blood (sorry to be so graphic), and could stain your pants/swimsuit bottoms/whatever. 
You'll probably be able to see your pad though the wetsuit. & it'll soak up all the water. It'll be like a soggy diaper all heavy & thick.

I don't know about pieces of your pad floating around (I'd assume it would stay together but I could be wrong) but I think your period could come out when you are swimming or getting out of the water. That could be really embarrassing if anyone is around and could make a mess (like drip on the ground or get on a chair). I think I've had my period come out while taking a bath so I believe this could happen while in a lake. I really think you should pass on going swimming while your period is happening.

Anytime your swimming, don't ever use a pad. You know how a babies diaper gets soggy, that's the same thing the pad will do. if your not comfortable with tampons, don't use them. A few days ago I tried using one for the first time, it did not go well. First of all, it hurt, second of all, it was hard. Thirdly, I decided that it seemed like to much work and pain so I gave up. When I'm on my period, I never use a tampon or pad when swimming. Never have me any problems, so when your ever swimming, it shouldn't give you any.

Are you planning on using a tampon? If so, definitely. If not.. Well, still go for it. Honestly, it's a lake. The water is gross already, not a big deal to swim in it while on the rag. For the most part your period stops in the water (there might be the occasional spurt, or clot) but lake water is rarely clear enough to spot it. I'd advise against a pad, tho. It'd swell up and be uncomfortable and more noticeable than if you'd just go without anything. (If you do use pads, just remove it before swimming. Open the car door to block yourself if there's not really any privacy around- lakes don't really have bathrooms.)

Yes ... you can go swimming while you are having a period; there's no medical reason why you should not. 

I can't think of any sort of "medical issue" that you could have that would prevent you wearing a tampon, but be that as it may. A pad is going to give you problems. After you go in the water, a pad is going to get water-logged and will feel heavy and bulky, and its wet outline will show underneath whatever you are wearing to swim in. It will continue to drip water after you get out of the water. A pad is probably the LAST thing you want to wear while you are swimming. 

If you can't wear a tampon, you can try a menstrual cup if you want to. You've got to wear SOMETHING. A lot of people would recommend a cup, but my own personal opinion is that they are messy and nasty to use.

you can go, but try to wear a tampon. I wore one on like my second period to go swimming. if you're really light, then it might be okay to wear nothing because it usually does stop in water, but I wouldn't trust that, because as soon as you get out you don't want blood running down your legs.

Swim in only your bathing suit, and AS SOON AS you get out, wrap yourself in a DARK towel. 

Period blood is held in when swimming. It is very unlikely if not impossible that you will leak while you are swimming. The pressure of the water overpowers your flow. Cool, isn't it? (: 

As I said before, as soon as you get out, wrap yourself in a dark towel and when you change, make sure you wear a pad.