What is your opinion of the Muslim shooting up a gay bar in Orlando?

Today, the worst mass shooting in American history happened in the name of Islam. The shooting killed over 50 LGBT people and injured many more. Islamist's kill and terrorize in the name of Islam every day. Islam is not alone. The original KKK was Protestant and one of the requirements to be in the current KKK is you must be Christian. The Westboro baptist church spreads hate and anger all across the country. They would love to have committed this shooting. The catholic church has had over 3,000 cases of child sex abuse since 2014. The Catholics also killed hundreds of thousands during the crusades in the name of god and again during the Spanish inquisition. The original book of Mormon stated that black people had the mark of Cain and were inherently evil and lesser than white people. It was Christians who committed genocide against native Americans and marched native Americans to death during the trail of tears. Religion gives people a justification to carry out their bigotry worry free, after all, they believe god is on their side

It merely confirms what I already know about Islam: it is incompatible with Western civilization in its current form. The shooter got angry because he witnessed two gay men kissing in front of his son. So he decides to go shoot up a gay club. Lovely example for the kids! These people with this mentality belong in the Middle East not America, not Europe, not anywhere civilized.

I would like to think the mass slaughter of gay people in a major American city would wake up the PC left on the fascistic nature of Islam. But it won't, 

They will continue with the excuses. They will continue shouting down as bigots anyone who suggests that letting large numbers of these people into our country isn't the greatest idea.

even if he wasn't a muslim, he probably would've done a similar thing, as guns are too readily available for lunatics, such as Omar S Mateen, to buy.

Religion is toxic to rationality. But the dose does make the poison so he had too much religion.

I don't see why it is any worse than christians killing. I never heard any muslims asking about that christian shooting up a black church. 

Religion teaches hate and intolerance, but never accepts responsibility.