Would you welcome visitors from another planet more than a human refugee

Most fair-minded Australians object to uninvited "guests" who arrive on our doorstep and demand to be taken in. They proceed to use our laws and our fair-mindedness against us. Many are economic migrants putting on an act and when this is proved, refuse to leave. 
That is why we insist on taking in only genuine refugees from UNHCR refugee camps and generously give them all the help they need to start a new life. 
Australians don't like being made mugs of. 
It is impossible to imagine visitors from space acting this way.

I would prefer the refugee. The whole world is family, not the whole galaxy. I'd be more connected to the human, could empathize and sympathize.

I'd rather we had a humanitarian intake of, say, around 20,000 genuine refugees each year .... instead of the 200,000 well heeled immigrants we're importing each year, which is ruining our country.

The TRUE refugee is welcome in any country, if you are talking about ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS give me someone from outer space