Would you let your 16 year old daughter marry a 40 year old?

I wouldn't let my 16 year old daughter or son marry anyone. At that age they aren't equipped to make that kind of decision. And what does a 40 year old man want with a 16 year old child? Gross

That is like marrying your father. What does a 40 year old man want with a 16 year old girl? He is messed in the head

Marry at 16? Nope. She would have to wait till at least she is 18. If they love each other so much, both of them can wait and get to know each other better till then. Is it legal to marry at 16? I think they would def. need parental consent and I would not grant that even if the guy was only 20-25 because 16 is a child and doesn't have enough experience to think clearly about such a decision.

No the law is very clear on that. While marrage is legal at 13. There can be no more than 3 years age difference between the 2. She would need wait till she is 18 or if her father files under the old Spanish laws. 25 to marry marry a man he does not approve of. Sounds to me like a girl who need to wait till she is 25 to marry.

No, her prefrontal cortex is still developing, so she can't make right decisions yet. For example she may have a baby, and at that age she will not know how to educate the baby, and the baby won't turn out well.The right age for marriage is between 21-28, most preferably 24-25. I'm speaking from a scientific perspective here because I just read a textbook on child development.

Absolutely not. I would make her wait until she was 18 years old, and legally able to make that decision on her own, when I would be unable to stop her. I don't think anyone should get married at 16 years old, they are not old enough to understand love

She would've to wait till she turns 18 and then if they both loved each other, I would let her marry him. In case of any problems, she can file for divorce. 40 years is not a big age tho.

Of course not and if I found out that a 40 year old man went after her or did anything with her I would have him put in prison and I would have his life destroyed completely so that he has nothing to live for if he ever got out. No normal parent would allow such a perverted and criminal arrangement!

Absolutely not. She's not 18 and can't make her own decisions yet, so of course I wouldn't. Why? Because she's a minor and 16 is WAY too young to be married, and he's a grown man who needs to find someone his own age to marry.

Jared leto is 44 years old he looks 25 im young and i want to marry him so no i wont let them get marry but if she is wise and smart and has a career like writing or modeling which you can have at that age i'd let them hang out. but look up Jared leto he doesnt even age.

I would not "let" my 16 year marry any one. Much too young. Once she is 18 she can marry anyone of her choosing.

No way!!! I believe in compatibility -- physical, emotional and maturity-wise. My daughter will grow up, wait until she is able to make decisions of her own and marry someone of her age and wave-length.

Heck to the NO! He has hidden motives, why would he want to marry a girl. She is mentality and emotionally unable to be a wife. I think he needs someone to control. Please, this will ruin her life