The question SHOULD be: has the USA been playing fair with the Puerto Rico. PRs have served in each and every war and conflict the USA has been engaged in since the Jones Act of 1917 until the present. Yet, they are treated like 2nd-class citizens in medical care, discrimination in housing and education and are not allowed to engage in commerce with other nations to get foodstuff at lower prices, and pay more for USA pharmaceutical goods at higher prices even though those products ARE MANUFACTURED IN PUERTO RICO! 

Here's a curious tidbit, Puerto Ricans who've gone to college and earned degrees in chemical engineering are paid LESS than their Gringo counterparts and it's been like this since the 1940s. Puerto Ricans became American citizens in 1917 but have never been allowed to vote for the President of the USA nor have a voting Senator or Representative in Congress. 

Throughout history, rich and powerful American companies have displaced homeowners from their properties, paying pennies on the dollar for the value of their properties, using Eminent Domain to build businesses, private recreational facilities, add tennis courts, golf courses, and private health clubs that discriminate against the people born and raised there. 

Until recently dark-skinned Puerto Ricans were systematically prevented from working the Front Desk at American owned hotels or resorts, or behind the counters at airports IN SPITE OF EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE but were routinely hired to do gardening, maintaining lawns and menial maintenance work... even in the now defunct Roosevelt Roads Naval Base in Puerto Rico, where Puerto Ricans trained the clueless, inexperienced, wives of enlisted personnel to supervise over those who trained them! Still worse, Puerto Rican civilian workers were listed as "Part Time" status to avoid paying health benefits, vacation and retirement benefits while they worked full time hours over 17-23 years! Meanwhile, the bases in Panama paid their civilian workers MORE in hourly wages, and the Panamanians were not and ARE NOT American citizens and do not serve in the military as Puerto Ricans have been doing since 1917 up to the present.

Depends. Puerto Rico (<---- auto correct did that) is part of America. I don't necessarily like America, and I'm American. Someone once said that you could be loyal and patriotic towards your country, without liking it. I forgot who. It's not the laws, the people, or necessarily the government that gives me distaste. It's it's past of killing 1-2 million Japanese by bombs, incarceration of Japanese American Citizens, law crimes, the FBI testing on humans and animals, sometimes causing death, and etc. Does not mean I want to leave or anything. We've gotten better, but I'm still on my toes.